Tuesday, 16 September 2014



There is no secret that confidence in the current market is lacking which is affecting the financial position of companies across many industries. This historic trend in the economy has placed many businesses and companies in a situation that requires change. Various companies will develop strategies based on cutting costs, downsizing their capital investment, and even retrenching staff. These strategies are designed to consolidate costs, lay low and wait for the storm to pass. Entrepreneurial decision makers invest in growth strategies designed to increase productivity, optimise opportunities and increase sales.

We have all heard of companies that boom in times of economic hardship. How do they do it?
Answer: The SMART way!

One of the most important processes of a business is sales. No sales, no business! No matter how much we save on costs or spend on marketing and advertising, we will not achieve our optimal rewards objective if we do not convert and generate sales.

In the last 5 the changes in technology, society, the economy, and perceptions are staggering. What was extremely relevant 5 years ago is not so relevant now. Unfortunately, many businesses are still working with strategies that are now outdated, ineffective and do not provide the same return on investment as they did in the past.

Sales strategies and techniques are key to this necessity of change. The sales strategies and techniques we used a few years ago are not as effective today. Customers are wiser, more educated and more suspicious of the stereotypical sales person that is perceived as filled with self-interest.

Sales strategies and techniques need to address the current broader factors and evolve to suit today’s environment. Our ability to sell is limited by our experience, our mindset and our knowledge. There are other factors that can affect the selling process, but a true solutions provider (traditionally known as salesperson) can always find the answer. Today’s process should not be so much on focusing to sell but helping our customer to buy!

While others wait out the uncertainty, the opportunist will capitalise on capturing a larger part of the market share, strengthening their position as the economy finds its feet. Outsourcing reputable sales trainers and coaches that provide current strategies can provide an opportunity of expansion in this market. Sales advisors can provide different angles, markets and direction that can be seen if you know how, where and what to look for.

The market is in a cleansing period that is pushing out operators that are reluctant to change and increase market share for those who are willing to adapt and invest in the future. We have a choice of waiting for the uncertainty to pass us by or pushing forward by generating more sales and growing your business, the SMART way.

Logicus Training Solutions - Training and Business Consultants (08) 9307 3771
(Registered Training Organisation 52635 - www.logicustraining.com.au)

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